
Sponsored by: Real-Time Innovations (RTI)
May 27, 2021 2PM EDT(2 years, 11 months ago)
Choosing the right software framework for building your autonomous system is a bet on the future of the industry and the success of your company. With so much at stake, speed to market is critical. A platform that supports rapid development is essential and proven support for a wide variety of future use cases and massive data flows is imperative. For the path forward with the lowest risk, choose a data-centric architecture that has been proven for the application, can work efficiently today, and is able to scale to increase your autonomy in the future. Join this session, to explore how DDS has been deployed for decades in autonomy use cases and how it is being used today to build autonomous systems in automotive, healthcare and aerospace & defense markets. We will address the most significant challenges facing software architects and how to build an autonomous architecture that meets high performance requirements while ensuring the system is built for future scale.