Newark's New Kits Program Promotes STEM Education

By Chad Cox

Production Editor

Embedded Computing Design

December 16, 2022


Chicago. Newark will commit itself to STEM education by providing kits to students and their professors to enjoy and learn from hands-on experiences. Educators can collaborate with Newark by constructing a custom kit for students including customized classroom kits and developing single board computers. Cliff Ortmeyer, Global Head of Technical Marketing at Newark stated, “We want to encourage everyone to stretch their minds and think creatively and strategically, this starts when students are young and in the classroom.”

With its pledge to promote STEM classrooms, Newark developed the Custom Kitting Services to deliver specific packages ideal for personalized classroom instruction. The online marketplace gives students and teachers the choice of test equipment, semiconductors, passives, and more.

The goal of the program is to encourage and develop problem solving and critical thinking skills for real-world solutions. Ortmeyer continued, “The educational kits allow students, teachers, and classes to utilize all of our services here at Newark. We are excited to help young minds navigate and simplify the ordering process of kits and to help them bring their visions to life.” Newark and its partners are working to make its kits and components reasonable for STEM classrooms.

For more info on education discounts, visit


Chad Cox. Production Editor, Embedded Computing Design, has responsibilities that include handling the news cycle, newsletters, social media, and advertising. Chad graduated from the University of Cincinnati with a B.A. in Cultural and Analytical Literature.

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