IAR Improves Security within its Embedded Workbench for Arm 9.40

By Chad Cox

Production Editor

Embedded Computing Design

June 21, 2023


Image Credit: IAR

Uppsala, Sweden. "Security has emerged as a top priority for embedded software developers," says Anders Holmberg, CTO at IAR. IAR, released v9.40 of the IAR Embedded Workbench for Arm that markets an enhancement in code security via integration of the pointer Authentication and Branch Target Identification (PACBTI) extension for Armv8.1-M.

PACBTI delivers heightened security as it leverages cryptographic signatures to block full system control from nefarious individuals.  Added to the ratification along with PACBTI are improved smart IDE Build Actions for software engineers wanting to improve their designs.

Holmberg continues, "The latest version of IAR Embedded Workbench for Arm, coupled with well-established software development practices, form the foundation for truly secure embedded applications.”

The release also provides a full defense to take on vulnerabilities such as Return-Oriented Programming (ROP) and Jump-Oriented Programming (JOP).   Expanded capabilities include:

  • Support for Armv8-A AARCH32 enabling 64-bit processors to execute in 32-bit mode
  • compatibility to the Renesas E2/E2 lite emulator for Arm Cortex-M MCUs and Cortex-A MPUs
  • Support for over 275 components from leading semiconductor collaborators
  • Extended language mode, the IAR C/C++ Compiler has GCC-style function attributes - enhanced interoperability within entire embedded environment of RTOS/middleware

“Renowned for enhancing efficiency, productivity, and code quality, IAR, in combination with the IAR Embedded Trust and IAR Secure Deploy embedded security solutions, delivers one of the most comprehensive end-to-end solutions ensuring enhanced security every step of the way, from product development to mass production,” ends Holmberg.

For more information, visit iar.com/ewarm

Chad Cox. Production Editor, Embedded Computing Design, has responsibilities that include handling the news cycle, newsletters, social media, and advertising. Chad graduated from the University of Cincinnati with a B.A. in Cultural and Analytical Literature.

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